Understanding Lights On the Dashboard

It’s important for car users to understand all the lights and different symbols on your dashboard. On a car's dashboard, there are lots of things to understand, but the most important things are the lights. Each symbol can come up with different colours and it is essential for car users to know what these mean as it’s an important message about your car. They tell you if something is wrong with the engine, if it needs more fuel, or if something is unsafe. It’s vital that you understand what each symbol means so you can keep yourself safe.

Dashboard warning lights imitate the traffic light system. Just because a warning light has appeared on your dashboard doesn’t mean you need to park your car up and call breakdown. However, it’s important to understand so you can act accordingly. If a red warning light appears on your dashboard there is a very serious issue and could be a dangerous problem. You should pull over in a safe spot, turn the engine off, and request roadside assistance. An amber warning light isn’t as serious as a red light; however, it is important to keep it in mind and get it checked out as soon as possible. Take extra caution if this appears when you’re driving. If a green warning light appears this means that it's in current use or everything is working correctly.

Battery warning light can come on while you are driving meaning your car battery isn’t charging or there is something that isn’t quite right about the car’s electrical system. There are a couple of reasons this may happen, damaged cables, bad battery, faulty alternator, or poor electrical connections. The car will carry on until it’s drained of battery so you should address this issue promptly as your car can just stop abruptly and will not start up. If you run out of charge you can jump start your car.

A common warning light is the brake warning light also known as brake fluid warning light, parking brake warning, or called brake system warning light. If the brake light comes on while you’re driving, it means your brake fluid is low and needs filling up, it can also happen when you release the handbrake, and the light doesn’t disappear. You should have a look at filling it up, if your fluid is below the “MIN” line, fill it up to the “MAX” line and you should be good to go. If you are unable to fill your brake fluid up, you can take it to the mechanic, and they can do it for you. You shouldn’t drive when this light appears and should try to get it sorted out as soon as possible. The only time the brake warning light should come on without an issue is when the handbrake has been put on.

Engine oil light or low engine oil comes on when the oil pressure or when the oil gets too low. It can also come on if the oil temperature is too high, it is a symbol that you need to keep an eye on as it's one of the most vital parts of a car engine. Engine oil is crucial in protecting the moving parts inside the engine, ensuring smooth operation, and preventing damage from friction and heat. If the oil level is low or if there's a drop in oil pressure, it could lead to serious engine damage if ignored. If you add oil to your car and the engine oil light still appears you should take it to the garage. If the light comes on while you are driving it is advised that you stop and have a look if there have been any oil leaks.

When the red Airbag warning light appears when there are potential issues with the airbags or seatbelt. Airbags are designed to deploy in the event of a collision providing protection to the driver and passenger by cushioning their impact. The light can also come on if the airbag has been turned off, or the system isn’t working. It is advised not to drive with your airbag off.

Engine temperature warning light also called coolant temperature car warning light. It is a warning light that can come on as red or yellow. When it comes up as yellow it's known as a coolant level warning light. The red engine temperature warning light will come on when the car engine is overheating. Wait for your car to cool down before checking the gauge on the side of the coolant tank. While the bonnet is open it is recommended to check if there have been any obvious leaks. It is so important that when you see this you find a safe space and park up. It typically means the coolant level is extremely low, there is a leak in the system or possibly a bigger problem.

The coolant warning light comes on when the level of coolant is running low. You can carry on driving in this case but top the coolant up at the first chance given. Coolant fluid serves a critical role in your vehicle's cooling system by absorbing heat from the engine and effectively dissipating it through the radiator.

The anti-lock brake system (ABS) comes on when you make a sudden stop, it’s there so you don’t lock up your brakes. However, there are four main reasons why the light may turn on, a faulty ABS module, insufficient fluid levels in the reservoir, damaged wheel speed sensors, or intentional deactivation of the system.

The engine management warning light appears on the dashboard when the engine int working as it is supposed to. This light can signify various problems within the system of the car. It can be as major as a catalytic converter fault or as small as an electrical sensor issue. You should get this checked out as soon as possible because driving around with this light on poses a risk of further damage.